Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Evaporator (Clean)

Evaporator (Clean)


  1. Remove the cabin filters. See Remove.
  2. Attach the hose to the evaporator cleaner bottle.

Evaporator (Clean)

  1. Insert the hose in the HVAC filter housing, and then spray the entire bottle on the evaporator.

Note: Be sure to coat the entire evaporator with the cleaning solution.

  1. Let the cleaning solution sit on the evaporator for 15 minutes.


  1. Install new cabin filters. See Install
  2. Once the cleaning solution has sat for 15 minutes, turn on the A/C, set the temperature to LO, set the fan speed to the highest setting, and turn off air recirculation

HVAC drain on Dual Motor vehicle shown, RWD vehicle HVAC drain is in the same location
HVAC drain on Dual Motor vehicle shown, RWD vehicle HVAC drain is in the same location

  1. The cleaning foam will exit through the HVAC drain. End this procedure once clean water is observed exiting the HVAC drain.


     Evaporator (Remove and Replace)

     Evaporator- Remove

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