Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Evaporator (Remove and Replace)


 Evaporator- Remove

Remove Remove the HVAC assembly. See HVAC Assembly (Remove and Replace). Put the HVAC assembly on a working surface. Make sure that the HVAC assembly is on its side with the HVAC inlet facing

 Evaporator- Install

Install Install the new evaporator into the HVAC assembly. Caution: Do not damage the temperature sensor when installing the new evaporator into the HVAC assembly. Note: Make sure that the evap

 Module - Cooling Fan (Remove and Install)


 Handle - Exterior Release - Door - Front - LH (Remove and Replace)

Warning: The side impact airbag deployment depends on the front door sensor's ability to detect a side impact from air pressure. Make sure that there are no uncovered holes in the front door shells. Additionally, always reinstall plugs or tape when servicing or inspecting the front doors and t

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Tesla updates your vehicle's software wirelessly, constantly providing new features. Tesla recommends you install software updates as soon as they are available on your vehicle. To ensure the fastest and most reliable delivery of software updates, leave Wi-Fi turned on and connected when

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