Tesla Model 3: Latch Actuator - Charge Port - Remove

- Perform the vehicle electrical isolation procedure.
See Vehicle Electrical Isolation Procedure.
- Remove the LH trunk side trim. See Trim - Side -
Trunk - LH (Remove and Replace).
- Release the clip that attaches the low voltage
electrical wiring harness to the charge port closeout
- Release the tabs around the charge port closeout
panel, and then remove the panel from the vehicle.
- Remove the bolt that attaches the charge port
electrical ground to the body.
- Remove the bolts that attach the charge port
assembly to the body.
- Remove the bolt that attaches the charge port
bracket to the body.
- Release the clips that attach the charge port
electrical wiring harness to the body.
Note: Pull the charge port away from the body
for access.
- Remove the release arm from the latch actuator.
Note: Note the orientation of the release arm
before removing it from the latch actuator.
- Disconnect the electrical harness from the latch
actuator connector.
- Remove the screws that attach the latch actuator to
the charge port, and then remove the latch actuator from
the vehicle.
Install the new latch actuator to the vehicle.
This procedure was derived from pre-production computer
models, and might not reflect the real-world situation. Warnin
Your Model 3 has a rear console integrated in
the center of the second row seat back. Pull
the console down to access the rear cup
holders, or use it as an armrest.
Coat Hangers
Your Model 3 has a coat hanger on each side
of the vehicle in the second row. Push the coat
hanger to release i
Open the LH front door.
Remove the LH instrument panel end cap. See
End Cap - Instrument Panel - LH (Remove and Replace).
Remove the LH middle A-Pillar trim panel. See
Trim - A-Pillar - Middle - LH (Remove and Replace).
Release the topmost clip on the LH lower A-pillar