Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: HV Harnesses


 Harness - Charge Port to HV Battery (Single-Phase) (Remove and Replace)

  DRAFT Warning: This procedure was derived from pre-production computer models, and might not reflect the real-world situation. Warnin

 Harness - Charge Port to HV Battery (Three-Phase) (Remove and Replace)

 Harness - Charge Port to HV Battery (Three-Phase) - Remove

    Remove Open all doors and windows. Move the driver seat and front passenger seat fully forward. Remove t


 Spring and Damper Assembly - Front - LH - Install

Install   Install the nuts that attach the FUCA mount to the LH front spring and damper. Torque 23 Nm Install the LH front spring an

 Torque Specifications - Brakes

Table 1. Torque Specifications: Brake Caliper - Front Table 2. Torque Specifications: Brake Caliper - Rear

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