Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Harness - Windshield (Remove and Replace)

Tesla Model 3 2017-2024 Service Manual / Electrical / Harnesses / Harness - Windshield (Remove and Replace)


 Harness - Windshield- Remove

Remove Remove the LH instrument panel end cap. See End Cap - Instrument Panel - LH (Remove and Replace). Remove the LH middle A-pillar trim. See Trim - A-Pillar - Middle - LH (Remove and Repl

 Harness - Windshield- Install

Install Secure the clips that attach the windshield harness to the RH A-pillar. Connect the windshield harness electrical connectors. Install the forward facing camera. See Camera - Forward

 Electronic Control Modules


 Turn Signals

The turn signals flash three times or continuously, depending on how far up or down you move the lever. Lightly push the turn signal lever up or down for a three-flash sequence. For a continuous signal, push the lever fully up or down. The turn signals stop operating when canceled by the st

 Auto Lane Change

When Autosteer is active on a vehicle equipped with Auto Lane Change, you can use the turn signals to move Model 3 into an adjacent lane without moving the steering wheel (which would cancel Autosteer). Warning: It is the driver's responsibility to determine whether a lane change is safe

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