Tesla Model 3: Door - Front - LH (Remove and Install)
This procedure was formulated using a release candidate or production
model. Follow safety requirements and use extreme caution when working on or
near high-voltage systems and components.
- Remove the 2nd row lower seat cushion.
- Remove the rear underhood apron.
- Disconnect 12V power.
- Remove the LH instrument panel end cap.
- Remove the middle A-Pillar trim panel.
- Remove the LH lower A-pillar trim.
- Disconnect the LH front door electrical connectors from the LH body
controller module.
- Release the electrical harness clip from the LH body controller module.
- Release the grommet, and then push the LH door electrical harness
through the A-pillar bulkhead.
- Remove the bolt that attaches the LH front door check strap to the A-pillar.
24 Nm
Unbolting the door check allows the door to swing freely beyond opening
- Use tape to mark the mounting locations of the door hinges on the LH
front door.
Loosen the hinge bolts, and then remove the lower bolts for each hinge.
24 Nm
- Partially unthread the upper bolt for each hinge, and with assistance,
lift the LH front door away from the vehicle.
Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following:
Partially thread the upper bolt for each hinge in the door so that the door
can set on the hinges to install the lower bolt.
Disconnect 12V power.
Remove the LH front door trim panel.
Remove the LH front door inner belt seal.
Remove the LH front door outer belt seal.
Remove the LH front window motor/regulato
Open the rear LH door, and fully lower the window.
Pass a shop towel halfway through the striker, and close the door so
that it rests against the shop towel.
Open the front LH door.
Camera Location
Model 3 is equipped with a rear view camera
located above the rear license plate.
Whenever you shift into Reverse, the
touchscreen displays the view from the
camera. Lines show your driving path based
on the position of the steering wheel. These
lines adjust appropriately
This procedure was derived from pre-production computer models, and
might not reflect the real-world situation. Warnings and cautions might be
missing. Follow safety requirements and use extreme caution when working on or
near high voltage systems and components. Do not redistribu