Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Antenna - Bluetooth Passive Entry - Rear (Remove and Replace)

Tesla Model 3 2017-2024 Service Manual / Electrical / Keyless Entry and Security / Antenna - Bluetooth Passive Entry - Rear (Remove and Replace)


  1. Remove the rear fascia. See Fascia - Rear (Remove and Install).

Antenna - Bluetooth Passive Entry - Rear (Remove and Replace)

  1. Disconnect the electrical wiring harness connector from the rear Bluetooth passive entry module.

Antenna - Bluetooth Passive Entry - Rear (Remove and Replace)

  1. Remove the bolt and release the clip that attach the Bluetooth passive entry module to the body, and remove the module from the body. Torque 3.5 Nm


Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following:

Caution:  Replace all patchbolts.


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