Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Airbags


 How Airbags Work

Airbags inflate when sensors detect an impact that exceeds deployment thresholds. These thresholds are designed to predict the severity of a crash in time for the airbags to help protect the vehic

 Controlling the Passenger Front Airbag

Model 3 has an occupancy sensor in the front passenger seat that controls the status of the front airbag. Note: The occupancy classification system (OCS) meets the regulatory requirement of FMVS

 Ensuring Accurate Occupant Classification

To help ensure an occupant in the front passenger seat can be accurately classified, the passenger must: Wear a seat belt.  Sit upright on the center of the seat cushion, with shoulders


 Actuator - Latch - Hood - Primary (Remove and Replace)

Remove Remove the rear underhood apron. See Underhood Apron - Rear (Remove and Replace). Remove the cabin intake duct. See Duct - Cabin Intake (Remove and Replace). Remove the hood latch cover. See Cover - Hood Latch (Remove and Replace). Remove the underhood storage unit. See Underhoo


Opening and Closing Press down on a switch to lower the associated window. Window switches operate at two levels: To lower a window fully, press the switch all the way down and immediately release. To lower a window partially, press the switch gently and release when the window is whe

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