Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Troubleshooting Alerts


 Charging equipment faultTry different charging equipment(CP_a004)

The charge port is unable to detect whether a charge cable is inserted or the type of charge cable connected. If this alert appears while a charge cable is connected, it should be determined whe

 AC charging interruptedCheck power source or charging equipment(CP_a055)

Charging stopped because communication between the vehicle and the external charging equipment was interrupted. Confirm whether the external charging equipment is powered by looking for any sta

 Tesla Model 3 2017-2025 Service Manual

Service Manual for first generation Tesla Model 3.


 Harness - Thermal Beam- Install

Install Fasten the clips that attach the thermal beam electrical harness to the shock tower brace. Install the bolt that attaches the thermal beam electrical harness ground terminal to the RH shear wall. Torque 10 Nm Connect the thermal beam electrical harness to the powertrain pump

 Serial Numbers

Tesla labels or engraves serial numbers on its parts. Tesla serial numbers are 14 digits and alphanumeric. Tesla serial numbers are encoded. Use this system to decode a Tesla serial number: Digits 1-3 Build Site Code *** = Unique 3 character code assigned by Tesla to

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