Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Summon


 Before Using Summon

Summon (if equipped) allows you to automatically park and retrieve Model 3 while you are standing outside the vehicle. Summon uses data from the ultrasonic sensors to move Model 3 forward and reve

 Using Summon to Park and Retrieve your Vehicle

Follow these steps to use Summon to park your Model 3: Align Model 3 within 39 feet (12 meters) of the parking space so Model 3 can follow a straight path into or out of the space in either

 Smart Summon

Smart Summon (if equipped) is designed to allow you to move Model 3 to your location (using your phone's GPS as a target destination) or to a location of your choice, maneuvering around and st


 Load Capacity Labeling

It is important to understand how much weight your Model 3 can safely carry. This weight is called the vehicle capacity weight and includes the weight of all occupants, cargo and any additional equipment added to your Model 3 since it was manufactured. Two labels attached to Model 3 indicate


This section illustrates a number of driving-related topics. The first section goes over how to operate the different controls, including the parking brake, gas and brake pedals, steering wheel, and gear selector. It also examines the many driving modes that the Model 3 offers, including Sport mode

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